Hit Fire Button, Burn Data - Clear your tabs and browsing data fast with our Fire Button.We feature many protections not available on most Internet browsers (even in incognito mode), including protection from link tracking, Google AMP tracking, and more.Import Bookmarks and Passwords – Using another browser or password manager to store passwords? It’s quick and easy to bring all your login info to DuckDuckGo’s secure password manager.Escape Fingerprinting – Make it harder for companies to create a unique identifier for you by blocking their attempts to combine specific information about your web browser and device settings.

We’ll protect you from targeted ads and cookies with a distraction-free interface that incorporates YouTube’s strictest privacy settings for embedded video. Clean Up YouTube with Duck Player - Watch YouTube videos more privately in Duck Player.Enable Built-in Email Protection (Beta) – Get free Duck Addresses to block most email trackers – which we’ve caught in 85% of emails – and hide your existing email address when signing up for things online, all without switching email providers.
3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection goes above and beyond what most popular web browsers offer by default, stopping most hidden tracking scripts from loading and collecting your personal data.