Additionally the pattern embeds your own Office Add-in inside the spreadsheet so that customers can still access your services from the context of Excel. With one click the requested data is opened in Excel and formatted correctly. When a customer chooses the button, it automatically creates a new spreadsheet with the requested data, uploads it to the customer's OneDrive, and opens it in Excel on a new browser tab. This article shows how to add an Excel button to your web site. csv file into Excel, work with the data, then export it from Excel, and upload it back to the web site, we can simplify this process to one button click. Instead of multiple steps to export the data from the web site to a. Then they upload the data back to the web site.

They use Excel to do analysis on the data, or other types of number crunching. Microsoft partners with SaaS web applications know that their customers often want to open their data from a web page in an Excel spreadsheet.